The Washington Post published an
The Washington Post published an article today (Losing Track of Illegal Immigrants (washingtonpost.com)) about how impossible it is for the INS to keep track of illegal immigrants. I and a number of my close friends work in the international development field with people from overseas who receive sponsorships from our government to come to the States for training.
This is a good thing. It is right for our government, with its foreign policy, to spend money to train people from other countries here in the states. The benefits cut both ways. The foreign nationals receive exposure to new ideas and to our way of life. That’s a big benefit for them. For us, the benefit may not be quite so tangible, but it is real nonetheless.
The money that is given gets spent here in the U.S. on tuition, shopping, entertainment and travel. Also, people here in the States get to meet foreigners! Don’t downplay that at all. It is as important for us here to learn what makes Bosnians, Russians, Iranians, Egyptians, etc tick as it is for them to learn what makes us go.