I admit that earlier I
I admit that earlier I was rather introspective about the attacks and was quick to point out that Americans have, in the past, largly ignored the outside world and different cultures. I never intended to be an apologist, though. We did not bring these attacks on ourselves. The complete surprise expressed at the September 11 events is what I intended as the focus of my comments. We should not have been surprised.
I keep referring to “the attacks,” what were they? Bombings? Arguably a 757 loaded with fuel is quite a bomb. A strike? It came quickly and by air — I think that qualifies as a strike. I see myself falling into the pattern used by the media of not altering the way an event or a person is described — Elian Gonzalez’ cousins in Florida are always “the Miami relatives” and such. I understand why Homer (the poet, not Simpson) used the technique and always referred to the likes “swift footed Achilles,” he was an oral historian and by always referring to Achilles as such it was one more thing he didn’t have to think about. He wasn’t working with a script — newscasters and other journalists hardly ever say anything unscripted, so why not get a little creative? Or are they the oral historians of our era? Personally, I’ll take Homer over Dan Rather any day.