Heathrow AP Pinning these notes
Heathrow AP
Pinning these notes to a day doesn’t make much sense given the number of time zones I’m crossing.
Taking the 9:00pm flight from Dulles to Heathrow is not a bad way to travel. It let me get in almost a full day of work and still have time to get home, clean up hit the road. I certainly had no problem sleeping – as soon as dinner was served I passed out. I did wake up in time for breakfast, but then I just went back to sleep until we landed.
I’m sitting in Terminal 4 of Heathrow at the moment. This is the terminal from which the Concord departs. It is supposed to take off in about 15 minutes. Twice before I’ve managed to see it – once here in London back in the late 70s, and then I managed to see it land and take off in NYC. The noise is tremendous! It is easily on par with the racket made by some of the military jets making flybys over Arlington Cemetary. I asked one of the BA reps where I should situate myself to get a look. My camera and I are ready.
United Airlines appears to have created a new class of travel. I was seated in Coach Plus, two rows behind the business class people. The seats were no bigger, we were still seated 9 abreast, but I believe that there was a little more leg room. Once again, I’m waitlisted for an upgrade on the last leg of the return flight, but I’m not holding my breath.
I don’t think I’m going to be able to see the concord. Flights are landing on the runway right in front of me but not taking off. I’m sure I’ll hear it, though.