Saturday morning in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Saturday morning in Tbilisi, Georgia. I’m going to get out and run around a bit today. See what’s down on the main street, maybe take a picture or two.
There’s a huge flock of swallows flying over the city — must be at least 30 — performing their aerobatics. Neat stuff.
My schedule for the rest of the trip is finally banged out. I had a meeting at the AID Mission on Friday and finalized the last bit. I’m visiting another contractor’s office on Monday morning, Tuesday I’m back a USAID to install the software and do a dry run of a presentation I’ll make on Wednesday to a very high level meeting of AID and contractor staff. I’ve got 15-20 minutes, so it has to be tight. Thank goodness I’ve got a couple days to play around with stuff to get it right.
Later today I’m heading out of town for a little bit with the office’s country director — I’m happy to have a chance to see what Georgia is like outside of Tbilisi. There are about 3 millon people in the country, and about half of them are in Tbilisi. Infrastructure is not good, I’m told. Power cuts every day, etc. Even here in Tbilisi there was no water on Wednesday and on Thursday night we lost power (hence no hot water on Friday morning). Phones seem to work, though.
After I get back this evening, I’ll write up anything worthwhile.