Saturday – Made it to Malawi
Made it to Malawi safe and sound. I’m staying in (I’m told) the nicest hotel in Lilongwe. The interior of the rooms are quite nice, I admit. I have a room overlooking the hotel’s garden. Cannas and mimosa trees are in full bloom. The interior corridors of the hotel resemble the old dorms in the River Cluster – painted cinderblock
I got two of my three action items accomplished. The shower works, and the water goes down the drain counter-clockwise (anti-clockwise, they say here).
Tried a local beer with dinner. Kuche Kuche is brewed in cooperation with Carlsbad a hundred klicks or so from here. It’s your pretty run of the mill premium pilsner, but it still has a lot more flavor than your typical Bud/Coors/etc.
There are real power issues here. Twice so far we’ve lost power and the hotel generator has kicked in. The air conditioner circuit isn’t on the generator, so when the power goes out, so does the a/c.
Tomorrow is Sunday and a chance to prep and adjust to the time difference. I’ve got to label some CDs, make some photocopies, take a good long walk and get back before the rain in the afternoon. Hopefully I’ll be able to grab an internet connection somewhere to fire off an email or two.