Day 2 down
Day 2 of the TDY (and the first day of the regional training) is done. I’ve got 17 people in the room from 5 countries, representing training staff, computer staff, and the regional inspector general. It is quite a mixed bag.
Like any day, there were highs and lows. Things went pretty well, though. I’m having to modify my usual shtick to account for the fact that in this mixed group I have people who already know some of my material cold, and a few who have never seen it before. Quite a challenge to try to split the difference and engage as many people as possible.
The folks in Ethiopia (my next scheduled stop) are holding my country clearance based on the events in the US last night. With the withdrawl of the Iraq resolution from the UN Security Council, Colin Powell’s speech, and Bush’s ultimatum the Post in Ethiopia is being understandably cautious. They’ve said that they’ll let me know by Thursday or Friday if I can travel. If I can’t, then I scramble for reservations to get back to the States. Maybe I’ll get to see what the flight from Jo’burg to Atlanta is like in that case. I understand that you stop for a refuel in the Cape Verde islands (where???)
Tomorrow at lunch I hope to be able to take a few pictures of the “city” of Lilongwe. The Deputy Director of the Mission commented this morning that you wouldn’t know you were in the city centre if it weren’t for the sign, and he’s right. It really is something to see. Hopefully a picture or two will do it justice.