And now that I’m here…
Well, the flight from Joburg to Gaborone did not end up being quite as easy as I had hoped. Getting to Joburg was no problem, but once we boarded the plane that was to take us to Gaborone, we were told that the flight would be detouring to go to the rescue of a stranded plane at the airport in Kruger national park (a flat tire, aparently). So while we waited, a spare tire and an engineer to replace the tire were loaded on to our flight that was already full and fast becoming late. Oh, by the way it would be a 45 minute flight to Kruger, and then an hour and 30 minutes from Kruger to Gaborone. So rather than arriving shortly after 6pm on Sunday, we landed at 9, and did not make it to the hotel until roughly 10pm.
All my best intentions for taking a walk or a dip in the pool vanished pretty quickly. I just rolled into bed and caugh as many winks as I could.
I did get a reasonable night’s sleep, all things considered, and survived the first day of things today. I’ve got a group of 18 people I’m working with today and tomorrow, and then another 7 or 8 who are coming on Wednesday.
The weather is wonderful so far, sunny and warm (probably in the mid 80s) with nice loooong days. I’m not in the least sorry I’ll miss the snow that is to hit DC on Tuesday.