The long trip home
So everything went well, if quickly, in Botswana. No, I unfortunately didn’t have time to take any pictures, so nothing will be posted.
The last day, Wednesday, was a bit interesting, in that the internet connection in our training room basically stopped working reliably. Up until Wednesday it was doing fine, but suddenly it turned rather intermittent. It was way to flaky for me to stand up in front of the group, demonstrate tasks and then lead people through them, so I improvised.
Several (most) of the people who attended the first two days of the workshop were still there. I grabbed a bunch of volunteers and had them pair up with the newly arrived people and mentor them through the stuff we were supposed to learn. I floated around the room answering questions here and there as they came up. It wasn’t a perfect setup, but it gave the Mission staff a chance to see just how much they really did learn over the first two days and it served the needs of the new folks too.
Somewhere along the line, I came down with a nasty cold (still suffering the effects), and didn’t get much rest before my flight left on Thursday. The flight home was good, if long, and this time it was without any detours through game parks. We were flying into a strong headwind the whole trip, and so our flight time was a hour more than anticipated, but in the end I got home safe and sound.