Counting down
Here’s a bunch of random thoughts since I haven’t really been writing much since I arrived here in Dhaka:
I’m done with the major training sessions that were to be delivered on this TDY, and it’s down to administrative stuff to clean up before departing for home.
Dhaka is a big city, and like a lot of southeast Asian cities (I’m told) it is crowded, bustling, and according to those who love it, alive! It reminds me a lot of Manhattan, but with lower buildings. The press of the people is a lot like what I’ve experienced in mid-Town. In other words, it’s fine for a couple days, but after that I’m ready for a break.
I am the tallest person in the country at the moment. At least it feels like it. Talk about sticking out like a sore thumb – there are more than a few people here whose shoulders are at my waist.
Of course I’m glad to be out of Pakistan. I understand that a bunch of people have been calling to check in and make sure I’m okay. Thanks to you all. Do keep the other folks over there in mind though. I’m fine, but a lot of them are not. Like everywhere else in the world, the average person just wants to live his or her life, and the politics of power once again is getting in the way.
My flight from Islamabad to Abu Dhabi was full (yes, this is almost a week ago by now), but it was mainly filled with migrant workers – laborers. Most of them were illiterate to the extent that they couldn’t find their seat by reading the boarding card. “2A” was beyond them. One guy lit up a cigarette in cabin, prompting every flight attendant in the plane to converge on him. Once we were in the air it occurred to me that if there was any kind of emergency on the plane there would be chaos; there would be no way these folks could understand directions from the cabin crew.
I’ve taken a liking to southeast Asian food. Even turkey bacon isn’t so bad. Both Pakistan and Bangladesh are Muslim countries, so bacon bacon is out.
Bangladesh used to be part of Pakistan until the early ’70s. Both split from India in ’47 in the Muslim/Hindu divide.
Nescafe is not coffee.
That’s all for now!