Saturday morning, Hanoi
So here I am in Hanoi after a long, really long, flight from DC. Everything about the travel itself went well, so there’s not a lot to say about that. Hong Kong does have a new airport since I was last there (too many years ago) and it’s nice, but biiig.
We actually arrived Hanoi on Thursday night and after checking in to the hotel there wasn’t much left to do but crash, which I did. Friday had me up at 5:30, which was a little too early for my taste. Thats what it was, though. I had hoped to go walk the city a little but it was raining like mad. There was thunder, lightning, and rain just pouring down – streets were flooding and shops on the ground floor of the hotel were doing their best to keep out the water.
Around noon it began to let up and we walked the two blocks to our office to do some preliminary set up work for the rest of the day. No surprises to find that the staff in the place are great, friendly, and so on – no surprise, but still great to discover. After set up, we were back to the hotel to crash again. The jet lag is tough.
Today, though, it looks like there is a break in the rain. I’ll get some breakfast shortly, and try to head out for a walk with the camera to see what I can find.