I was right. The event
I was right. The event at the Ambassador’s residence was interesting. The event was intended to bid farewell to people whose tour had ended and welcome to those whose had just begun. Abruptly the focus changed, of course. The Ambassador is a youngish man and a wonderful speaker. He said a few words, and then turned things over to anyone who wanted to speak. One gentleman led the crowd in a prayer, and then people — Ukrainian and American alike — who wished to speak were welcomed by the Ambassador and allowed to address the crowd.
After they had spoken, the Ambassador again addressed the 70 or so people present, but directed his remarks at the children in the crowd. He told them to remember not just the fear and tragedy of the past week, but moreso the ideals of freedom and strength of character that America continued to show despite attempts to terrorize us. Not many eyes were dry by the time he finished.
Seconds after he stopped talking, a small group of people in the back of the group began to sing the National Anthem. Soon the entire group was softly singing along. As we sang the words, “…ramparts we watched were so gallantly gleaming,” the volume rose and rose. At the last line of the song, “Oh say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet raise ore the land of the free and the home of the brave?” everyone was singing, almost yelling at the top of our lungs. There will never be any doubt in the minds of anyone in attendance of the resolve and pride of the American expat community.