Beautiful weather
I really like spring here. For the last couple days it has been warm, in the 70s or 80s, but with that nice breeze blowing that only happens in spring. As of this morning, our dogwood trees are officially in full bloom and the aezelias are not far behind. The lilac bush has its first hint of purple blossoms finally. I’ve taken a couple pictures, but didn’t pull them off the camera.
The only down-side to all this is the pollen is thick as can be this year. My car is green to begin with, but it is a totally different color of green just due to the pollen.
Tomorrow afternoon the group I sing with is again providing music for the Good Friday service at the Franciscan Monastary in Washington, DC. This monastary has a beautiful garden that should be just breathtaking. With any luck I’ll be able to get away from work a little early so I can wander the grounds for a few minutes before the warmup starts.