Yelling “Fire!” in a crowded world
Last week the Washington Post ran an article about the infamous Danish cartoons and the protests they have sparked around the world. I wish I was a reasoned enough person to develop such as this.
Neither side is innocent. Neither side is completely wrong. Yes, in the West, freedom of expression and freedom of dissent is highly valued and fiercly protected (and yet too little exercised). At the same time, there are limits; you cannot stand up and yell “Fire!” in a crowded world.
A good friend of mine, sent the following:
I should suffix that by saying that she is a highschool teacher in the Middle East. I’m sure the debate was vigorous and explored the issue thoroughly.
More on this from me? It’s hard to do more than express my utter disappointment with the world on this issue. You can’t expect respect for your point of view if you don’t show respect for others – that goes for Europeans and Middle Easterners alike.
I think the immediacy of communication that we enjoy today requires everyone (that’s _everyone_!) to measure twice, once. Part of me just wants to write it off and say that stupid people shouldn’t be given an outlet in the media.
As childish and stupid as the cartoon was, so are some of the reactions to it. Another friend forwarded me a quote from the BBC in which an arab gentleman said (and I’m paraphrasing because I don’t have the quote in front of me) something to the effect of, “You did this to encite us because you think all Muslims are fundamentalists. We’ll show you. Death to you and your media!” I take it that’s a yes?
Things like this clearly take on a life of their own. There is no information vacuum any more. As the Post’s article pointed out, with societies rubbing up against each other now, we’re more quickly seeing their incompatibilities. In this case, the incompatibilities swirl around two societal icons – one religious and deeply held, one secular and deeply held. Each side should agree to disagree and move on with life. There are bigger fish in the world to fry.