More Pictures from EK
Here are a few more pictures from Ekaterinburg.
The circus! It looked pretty closed for the season.
A beautiful old house with the golden dome of a church in the background. There are a lot of churches in EK, and these old houses are still to be found, scattered throughout the downtown. As you get outside of the downtown you see more and more of them.
Just off the main square in the downtown is a pedestrian only zone lined with shops and cafes/bars. Every once in a while there is a statue. Some are pretty fun, and some are…well…art.
DC has its elephants and donkeys, Tiffin has its squirrels. EK has its bears. This is the only one we’ve seen so far, but it was a cool one! Stanley liked it too.
What central square would be complete without a statue of Lenin just across the street from the Gum department store?
There have been some efforts to dress up part of the riverside in the downtown, aside from the area around the town pond. This is a nice little riverwalk. It would have been nicer without the 6″ of snow and the freezing weather!