Made it to Kiev just

Made it to Kiev just

Made it to Kiev just fine. The flights were uneventful at best. I ended up travelling with a Ukrainian-American who was also headed back to Kiev for a visit after 4 years away. Made a great companion for the time. I’ve written more extensively about things (on the laptop, with the intention of copying it over to the log), but I can’t seem to get the diskette to recognize the files. Ah well. I’ll keep writing and post the stuff later.

This place is as cool as I remember. There’s plenty to see and do within easy walking distance of my hotel. Even this cafe is pretty close, but far enough away to make it an enjoyable walk. I’ve not done much but walk since I got here. I’ve been taking pregressively further 2 block loops off of the main street, and have covered a lot of ground. It isn’t the most adventurous way to do it, but I’m willing to bet it lets me see more of Kiev than most Americans.

I found an english bookstore and picked up a little something to read in the evenings after I get done writing up notes for the day. Also found a nice little shop where I can get bread, water and Fanta Limon (Lemon Fanta soda that we can’t seem to get in the States).

That’s about all for now, I’ll try to post my other notes in a day or so, from a different computer and see if I have better luck.